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Friday 23 October 2015


Clipbucket Script:

Want to be a Next Youtube ? Or want to Run your own Video Sharing Website And earn Profits ? No matter how small or big your Dream is, Clipbucket will help you reach your goals of making your own profitable Video Sharing Portal. With Clipbucket you are only limited by your imaginations, not by its features & Enhancements.

 Clipbucket is committed to delivering an Unparalleled Entertainment Experience, and we do so by Engaging and Empowering our Content-Providers and Audience every step of the way – from Complete Multimedia Management of Videos, Photos & Audios to the Enhanced Social networking Features like Groups, Channels & Feeds. With Clipbucket’s unmatched scalability Users can Stretch their Applications from Family Video/Photo-album, shared only with a selected group, to emerging talents and established Social Media Giants.

Live Demo:

Demo AccountUser = Demo &&& Password = Demo



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